big move to newport — lessons

* use camara, but don't get addicted
* pre-move to ff
* clothes do add LOE
* avoid rush hours. take a full day off if u need
* foldable tables are good(one piece), so is the small CVS table
* many small packages take many trips, but are light and easy to squeeze into vehicle
* do plan for the meals before and after the move
* most troublesome —
** fragile –> ff
** important docs –> ff
** mattress. next time perhaps get 2 smaller ones
** HomeDepot rack has too many pieces and is too bulky.

imperfect TL

TL is not that familiar enough with the details of requirement and the existing system. TL can design a basic framework, but should let the developer have the freedom to modify details. TL should not keep questioning every change, as if TL knows the details best. Questioning take a toll on the developer’s productivity. Developer would simply decide to take the easy route and stick to the non-ideal design and not bother to improve it.
If I see a lot of code duplication and want to refactor, I worry about
* TL may not like how I refactor
* TL may not appreciate the improvement and my effort may lead to a delay. A lot of my quality improvments are things colleagues don’t do. My initiaitive was mostly unappreciated.
TL treats experienced developers just like fresh graduates.
TL keeps the final vote on every decision, and won’t delegate to even experienced developers.

letter to lsagain…how lucky you are

(to be published on my blog)

I feel you and many others have those options (going back to China after 10+ years in US). You are lucky with your impressive track record, your immigration status, academic credentials, management/business skills…

I think many people wish they are in your shoes. People (born in the late 60’s and 70’s) in China, Singapore, Taiwan, south-east Asia, Latin America, Eastern Europe.. Many of them have similar talents, but their background is not so strong, so they spend many youthful years in “lackluster jobs” (low “value-add”). When they reach their 30’s, they lack a strong professional/educational track-record. Most will not find it easy to rise above from there.

See how lucky you are, career-wise.

By the way, in my sociology classes i was completely “sold” on the concept of life-chances ( These German thinkers coin such powerful yet simple terms. They have the power lense of observation to see these patterns in society.

You have the life chance that many equally talented individuals do not.

early signs of breaking point

Zhu Rong,
(this is a diary. You need not read, but you are welcome to reply.)
I found more early signs of a growing impact (damage?) on my family life as I over-spend myself on my job. (“Over-spend” by the standard of my own comfort level. However, by the standard of ambitious individuals, my investment into my current job may be high but not yet over-spending.)
* I knew it’s strategic to get my wife into a nursing or medical assistant course. Before she became pregnant, we did spend about $3000 on a short-term course. Afterwards, we did plan for a 2nd, longer course … Now it’s put on hold partly because of my job — I feel i would have more job security and more time to help her if I get into an easier job than GS.
If this cause-effect is true, then my demanding job is affecting a strategic plan of my family.
* on this job, i always feel bad on Mondays and so much better on Fridays, more so than earlier jobs. Is this a sign of growing disatisfaction and burn-out? I guess in another job in US i might feel about the same way after joining for 2 years?
* I’m sub-conciously putting off my wife and baby’s visa application.
* I’m putting off my parents’ visa application.

Things can only get better

* If they let me go, i can only get into a more relaxed workplace. Better for family and health.
* when apple and dabao come over, they will enjoy the clean street, clean home and playground.
* If i'm not let go, then i'm getting a hang of the work culture and expectations.
* i'm getting a better feel for the doormen.
* I'm building my relationship with the doormen and handyman.
* Even if i go back to SG, I will be seen in far better lights than 2006, 2005, 2004…
* I'm now much more experienced as a java designer and architect. Time to shine. I have learnt a lot from a very strong architect
and other veterans.
* I'm learning the ground rules of working in US. Excellent exposure.
* I might re-consider a consultant's life.
* I put my hearts into real tech debates. Steepest Learning Curve… This is not as hard for me as those perception problems.

discussion with Roland

* scrutiny, code review, “change-requests” (below) fall more on non-IC java modules than perl, proc or IC java modules.

* No written warning. No grace period. It’s possible that firm decides to cut head count by a number. They identify the individuals and deliver the decision — no need for warning or grace period.

* decision maker must be M
* All the layoff workers he knows have since found jobs. Many are now consultants.
* Sugg: attend iviews during lunch breaks. I think 90min is ok.
* If you judge a developer’s performance by the project delays, it’s unfair because TL is partly responsible. R’s departure was possibly unfair to some extent. In my case, my design would have lower LOE and perhaps works better in production.
* Given the pressure and distress over his 9 months, his departure from this firm was a good outcome.
* TL sometimes asked R to rework a finished codebase, and gave very little time.